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The Sunshine Blogger Award

I was nominated for this award by the lovely Peggi at Real Life by Peggi Tustan, and I decided to participate because it looked like a fun way to encourage other bloggers and build connections! Also, there are few things easier to write about than oneself. So, whether you're new to this space or have been around from the beginning, here's a little about me:

Why did you start blogging? It kind of happened by accident. In 2013 I started a blog simply as a way to corral all my daily photo collages into one place. It was just about the photos at first, but I gradually began to step out of my comfort zone and talk about the things God was teaching me. The more I wrote, the more I realized this was how I processed my thoughts and feelings best. I've always wanted my writing to mean something, to encourage others, and to make a difference. Words are powerful, and naively or otherwise, I wanted to use mine to change the world, or at least how people perceive it.

“I write because I don't know what I think until I read what I say.”
― Flannery O'Connor

Who is your favorite blogger? Currently? Probably Shannan Martin. In a lot of ways, I feel like she's experienced the same upside-down journey as we have since moving to the city over a decade ago. Her posts resonate with my heart, she's not afraid of asking tough questions, and she inspires me to love well, especially when it's hard.

What keeps you going and motivated? I love to learn and experience and understand: God, the world, myself, people (especially those who are different than me), the mysteries of the universe, whatever. They say I have the gift of teaching, so I also love to talk about all of those things. Writing is simply my way of giving back what God has given to me, a way of sorting out my experiences and transformation in hopes that, as our hearts collide in the mess, others would be encouraged and inspired in the process.

What is your weirdest habit? I put A1 steak sauce on my macaroni and cheese. It started as a bizarre craving when I was pregnant with my third. During those 40 weeks, I managed to consume 17 entire bottles of A1 and Lord only knows how much macaroni and cheese. Yikes! I'll never forget the day when my son was about two years old and asked for A1 on his macaroni and cheese and liked it. He still prefers it that way to this day. If you ever needed proof that what you eat when you're pregnant makes a difference, there you have it, folks.

What is your favorite cuisine? Hmmm. Do I have to pick just one?!?! It's probably easier to tell you what I don't like, which is most seafood (I know, I know....Omega-3's. I've tried to like it, but I just don't. I'm probably Omega-3 deficient and will die an early death. So be it.) and trendy hipster food, including quinoa. Again, I tried to like it. I really did. Sweet or savory, it still tastes like weird grass to me, and not the kind that would momentarily make all my problems go away. So, quinoa lovers, we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

What is a personality trait you would like to change in yourself?  MY LACK OF DISCIPLINE. It's something I've struggled with my entire life, and upon some personality investigation (INFP, Enneagram 4), I've come to realize it's a legitimate struggle for someone of my "type." I'm a chronic snooze-pusher, easily overwhelmed, have difficulty starting and an even harder time finishing, struggle to persevere, and love ideas far more than I love seeing them to fruition. BUT, with the knowledge that this is common also comes the realization that it can be improved, and I'm working on that. :)

What are the first three things you always notice in a person? Friendliness (people with cold dispositions make me uncomfortable), fashion, and judgementalism. 

Which is the best book you have read to date?  I've always wanted to be a "reader" but could never follow through until this past year (#disciplineproblems). Since then, some of the best books I've read include The Glass Castle, Bird by Bird, Falling Free, Everything I Never Told You, Churchy, and Of Mess and Moxie.

How do you deal with negative comments or hurtful feedback? Honestly, I've always had a hard time accepting criticism. I tend to take things very personally, but I'm learning that if you aim to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one and lose yourself in the process. I try to remember that I write for God and myself, and if it happens to bless others, great! If not, that's not my burden to bear, but this is certainly easier perceived than practiced.

What is your goal in life? To notice the miracle of God in my everyday, ordinary midst and to love those He's placed in my path as I seek to run after Him. I'm learning that running hard after our dreams is more than inspiring visions, big ideas, or even well-laid plans. Surprisingly, it looks a lot like WORK. This is not always a term I'm familiar with, but if what we do with today determines what we do with our lives, we best get busy. For our good and His glory.

My nominations for "The Sunshine Blogger Award":

Pay them a visit and give them some love from Mom + Camera!