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For When Outrage is the Measure of Your Humanity

Even my own living room feels loud today.

It’s not just the kids, all of whom have a snow day, clamoring to get a word in, arguing about who gets the last of the macaroni and cheese, or fighting about who has to clean up the mess in the bathroom {how do y’all get boys to lift up the toilet seat, anyway?}. It’s not just the plow driving by, the kids playing outside next door, or the TV blasting during rest time. It’s the noise of the world seeping in through the cracks of social media, trending hashtags, and dire news updates.

The world is a very loud place these days, and rightly so. We’re called to be a voice for the voiceless, and it’s inspiring to see much of the country rise up as defenders of justice, mercy, and love. But the world is also an incredibly overwhelming place at the moment, and the barrage of media outrage makes it even more so. The rhetoric is full of urgency, panic, division, condemnation, confusion, and fear. But you know what? That’s not how God works...

While the world obsesses about the Muslim ban, the voice of God calms our anxious hearts by redirecting us from circumstance back to Him--His character, His faithfulness, His mercy and grace.

While the world worries about what will become of our country--our women and children, our gay and lesbian friends, our black and Muslim neighbors--God comforts us with the fact that He’s close to the brokenhearted.

While the world publically condemns each other left and right, pointing screaming fingers as the divide between us grows, God convicts us personally and uniquely as we meet with Him in secret.

While the media discourages the masses with the latest biased, breaking news, God encourages us with the truth that He’s still on the throne.

While the world frightens with division, wars, and rumors of wars, God reassures us, reminding us not to panic. He knows, though we don’t often understand, that the world must experience birthing pains before He can return.

While social media rushes us, quickly pushing us from one urgent need to the next, God stills us. He reminds us in a small voice that though the world seems large and scary, He’s in control. He’s not caught off guard by any of it, no matter how horrible, and He’s not done writing our story yet.

The decibel at which one screams on the internet determines neither the caliber of one’s character nor the devoutness of one’s faith. We were never called to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders but to simply bow to the One who has already done so, letting Him, and only Him, direct our path. Don’t let the internet boss your heart around today, but choose to rest in the Prince of Peace, who, at this very moment, is still working on our behalf to proclaim good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, and to set the oppressed free. {Luke 4:18}